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Camp: Prarie Schonner



Camp Years


Current Job

Prarie Schonner


"Finding out about Camp America was a complete fluke. I had volunteered to listen to a Navy recruitment talk just so I could skip class, and at the end when they were handing out information packs there was a flyer for Camp America. I was immediately drawn to the idea and decided that I would apply.

I had no idea what to expect from camp but tented cabins in the woods and using latrines was definitely not the dream. Who would ever have imagined what an adventure it would become and how it would form my love for nature and the outdoors today.

Camp friends are different to other friends as I feel you share a personal journey. I was so relieved when Fern arrived at camp to have another international although we are from the opposite ends of the earth (and so are our personalities) we just clicked, it was a meant to be moment finding each other like that and I know when we are old ladies we will still be singing the songs and telling the stories of our American adventure."