Camp: North Shore Holiday House

Camp Years
Dance Counsellor
Current Job
North Shore Holiday House
'I decided to apply for Camp America to experience a different summer, meet new friends and provide kids with great memories.
Performing a popular dance (from the states) which the kids taught me in the counsellor talent show, alongside my new friend from New Zealand was by far my favourite experience!
Every day is different which is a big positive and although it’s very fun, days can be long and tiring. Underprivileged camps can be a lot more surprising than I expected, for good and bad reasons. American kids are AMAZING dancers, making my job easy, LOL!
Camp America is a big talking point in interviews etc. It also has given me new ideas to bring to my work at home such as dance moves, games and dealing with different types of behaviour. It’s something you’ll never forget and a perfect way to spend your summer.
A girl named Jordan loved to dance, she was always making the counsellors laugh without realising it. I gave her a ‘special solo’ in her cabin dance routine and she practised constantly ahead of the talent show. We all found it hard to say good bye to the little ray of sunshine. She said it was ‘the best summer ever!’
Camp friends share such a big experience with you, they really pick you up when you’re having a bad day. I still speak to them of the time, luckily most of them live all over the world which means lots of holidays in the future!
North Shore Holiday House is an all-girls, underprivileged camp in Long Island, New York. 20 counsellors and 4 sessions of 50 girls aged 7-11 (girls leaving and arriving every 2 weeks.) I loved the girl power at camp, between campers and counsellors. We focused a lot of attention on building self-esteem which I thought was very important for the girls to learn about.'