10 things they don't tell you before going to Camp
You all know by now that working on a Summer Camp is great, but here is what they don't always tell you...

Camp America Packing List
The question that's on all your minds... what, oh what do I pack fro three months in the USA? Do I take a suitcase or a backpack? Do I take 3 shirts or 5? Just how many pairs of sungalsses is too many?

The Camp America experience, in 50 GIFS
Ever wondered what the full Camp America experience is like? Well look no further than the journey shown in 50 GIFS.

5 Reasons You Should Listen To The Camp America Podcast
Ever wondered what the full Camp America experience is like? Well look no further than the journey shown in 50 GIFS.

5 Reasons We Love A British Summer
So you forgot to fill out your Camp America application, that's okay! Your British summer is just around the corner...

5 Reasons Why You Should Attend A Camp America Recruitment Fair!
Get hired on the spot at the Recruitment Fair and start summer 2023 now!

Junior Brown Humans of Camp America
Junior Brown is a counsellor from South Africa who worked at Camp Des Moines Y Camp, which is a Christian camp in Iowa, and he is going to tell you all about his experience...

Shaping Futures: How Camp Changed My Life
Camp isn't just a one time thing, camp can change the course of your entire life. Little did Ranald know that when he walked through the doors at the Camp America recruitment fair, years later he would be back with his own company as the videographer of the fair!