"Working at summer camp" by Keely Raynor
So this blog post is going to be all about when camp actually started, I was fresh from my two weeks of official Salvation Army summer camp training and I was so excited to start working, however, also quite nervous at the same time too...

Steve - Humans of Camp America
I initially applied for Camp America because somebody at University had recommended it to me. I immediately liked what I had heard, and spent the next few evenings researching it...

"Arriving in America" by Keely Raynor
This is going to be my blog post (part 1) all about my Camp America experience. I wanted to blog while I was out there but my laptop broke, this leads to my first tip for people taking part in the program...

Jessica - Humans of Camp America
I went to camp looking for a break from studying after a particularly gruelling year of uni. I had wanted to do Camp America for a while but never got round to it.

Kristina - Humans of Camp America
I decided to do Camp America as I have wanted to do it since I was 18 but I just never got round to doing it and then life just gets in the way...

Tom - Humans of Camp America
After a week of Camp America, I had decided I wanted to leave. I had no experience of working with people with additional needs and felt like I wasn't going to do a good enough job...

Jimmy - Humans of Camp America (CA Staff)
Hi, my name is Jimmy. I spent three summers taking part in Camp America. I was lucky enough to go to two different camps, my first being Timber Lake Camp (not named after Justin) in New York and Camp Letts in Maryland...

"Camp Horizons – The hardest job you will ever love” by Megan Keppie
I heard the above quote at the beginning of summer. Now, with only a handful of days left, I can safely say there is no better way to describe working at Camp Horizons.