Maddie - Humans of Camp America (CA Staff)
My favourite memory of working on a summer camp as a general counsellor was teaching one of my campers (aged 7) how to swim...

Erik - Humans of Camp America
Hi everyone! My name is Erik and I'm from Iceland! I went to Camp Letts in Maryland during the summer of 2012 and I will never forget it...

Gwen - Humans of Camp America
Eight years ago living in Scotland, I applied to Camp America and was placed at Camp Illahaw in Florida...

Maja - Humans of Camp America
Hi, my name is Lego! It's actually Maja, but at camp I'm known as Lego. I am currently working at Camp Winona in Maryland. Winona is a Girl Scout sleep away camp in Americas biggest Girl Scout council....

"Stuff counsellors say" by Freya Sedgwick
Before I went to camp I saw absolutely loads of videos about the kind of stuff counsellors say to the kids on camp and they’ve all come true. I wanted to share some of these with you because they’re so true...

Katy - Humans of Camp America
For as long as I can remember, I had wanted to apply to Camp America, but I just never found the right time, and always ended up making excuses not to apply...

"Entry 2: I'm in America!" by Brad Grant
I’m with you on the packing situation. So, since October last year, I have been set on taking a backpack, after a few trials it seemed fine....

"Can’t believe its the second week!" by Freya Sedgwick
This week all the kids arrived and its been the most amazing week. camp changed as soon as they arrive and I never stop...