"Camp America Orientation" by Keely Raynor
Hi guys, so this post is all about the Camp America Orientation day I attended a couple of weeks ago in Birmingham. It was around 3 and a half hours long and it was highly insightful...

Arianna - Humans of Camp America (CA Interviewer)
Before camp, I was the type of person that hated the thought of being away from home, and would suffer with homesickness very easily. How I had the courage to apply for Camp America, I do not know...

Holly - Humans of Camp America
The Camp America Summer Camps brochure was something that somehow managed to reach my mums desk all the way back in 2010...

"Entry 1: The Idea" by Brad Grant
Having worked as a Camp America Brand Manager for the past seven months or so, I’ve attended quite a few CA related events...

Jeppe - Humans of Camp America
My mom went to camp more than 25 years ago. She has been telling stories about her summer at camp since I was a kid...

Life skills learned at summer camp with kids from different cultures
Growing up in the Kenwood and Evergreen camp community was extremely powerful for me. Over each 7 week period I learned life skills that are skill an important part of my life to this day...

Lyam - Humans of Camp America
When I first applied to go to Camp America I had no idea what to expect. I had never been outside of Europe before let alone 3000 miles away...

"Top 10 Sights to see in Los Angeles" by Chiron Hooson
So with only a few days left until Camp America applications close, I thought I would write another blog about the possible places you can see when travelling...