5 qualities of a top notch camp counselor
There are so many superior traits that make up a great camp counselor that it’s hard to narrow it down — especially when each individual counselor is a unique person who does it her way...

Niamh - Humans of Camp America (CA Staff)
I remember waking up at 5am feeling sick to my stomach with nerves/excitement on the day I was flying to camp. I am in the car on the way to Heathrow knowing....

Internship vs. Camp: No Need to Choose
It’s an experience that every Camp Alleghany counselor has had at some point. You look down at the resumé that you’ve revised again and again, and you hardly recognize your camp years...

Top 3 reasons to be a camp counselor
It’s easy to think about being a camp counselor as simply what you do — or what you have to do: your duties, assignments, responsibilities. And of course those things matter and are a big deal...

Being a Counselor is a Marathon not a Sprint
One of the great things about landing a summer camp counseling job is that you know exactly when the job begins and ends, allowing you to plan other late spring and late summer activities...

"Making the difference" by the Camp America Team
Camp is special. At camp, it doesn’t matter where you come from. It doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor. It doesn’t matter who your parents are or what type of house you live in...

"Special Needs Summer Camps" by Brad Grant
There are hundreds of Special Needs camps across the U.S who Camp America work alongside in-order to help find YOU, the perfect counselor...

Over the pond and back again
I had a very quick whirlwind of a trip to London a few weeks ago, to go to a Camp America Directors Fair in search of international camp counselor recruits...