Gaby - Humans of Camp America
Camp America gave me the opportunity of a summer of a lifetime, and I’m so thankful that I have a second summer at Camp Ramah in the Berskhires lined up!...

"Camp gave me confidence" by Arianna Ware
So, you’ve heard all my stories about life at camp, but this is a little story about the confidence working at summer camp has given me.

"How to be an awesome camp counsellor" by Arianna Ware
Now, I’m not saying I’m the best camp counsellor because that would make me sound cocky, and compared to the bunch of talented people I worked with during the summer, I’m not...

"Placed at Camp America!" by Keely Raynor
Hi guys, sorry for not blogging in so long but life just took over. However, I am over the moon right now because on the 23rd of January I was placed for Camp America at their London recruitment fair...

Jotty - Humans of Camp America
went to the London fair last February and within 10 minutes had an interview for a camp which I ended up being hired for. I was unbelievably excited...

The crucial 8 life skills that our summer camp in NH teaches you!
I saw this really interesting article on Today.com earlier this week. It was written by Julie Lythcott-Haims, former Dean of Freshmen at Stanford University....

Georgie - Humans of Camp America
Camp becomes home, and one of the best homes anyone could ask for. You spend 8 weeks wearing crumpled cabin smelling t-shirts and crocs, no make up, showering less often than you would like...

The best camp friends feel like you've known them all your life
No matter who you are or what your age, when you join a summer camp community you hope to make friendships that will last a lifetime...