Day in the life: Under-Served Community Camp
Here at Camp America, we work with thousands of camps across the USA, which means we work with lots of different camp types. This blog will give you an insight into the 'Day in the life' of Pretty Lake camp, an under-served community camp, written by Rebecca Stockmann.

Day in the life: Salvation Army camp
Here at Camp America, we work with thousands of camps across the USA, which means we work with lots of different camp types. This blog will give you an insight into the 'Day in the life' of Camp Happyland, a Salvation Army Camp, written by Rachel Taylor.

Day in the life: Girl Scout camp
Here at Camp America, we work with thousands of camps across the USA, which means we work with lots of different camp types. This blog will give you an insight into the 'Day in the life' of Camp Ledgewood, a Girl Scout camp.

Day in the life: Private camp
Here at Camp America, we work with thousands of camps across the USA, which means we work with lots of different camp types. This blog will give you an insight into the 'Day in the life' of Camp Lakota, a private overnight camp.

Top 5 'Luxury items' to take to camp!

10 signs you should return to camp
It’s that time of year, guys. You’re struggling to adjust with the real world, you’re still crying yourself to sleep because camp is over and you’ve had your mouse hovering over the ‘apply’ button to submit your returner application for weeks now. We’ve been there – it sucks. So we’ve come to offer our assistance…

Top 5 cities to visit in America this summer
From the bright lights of Vegas and New York, the music loving cities of Nashville and New Orleans, to the sandy beaches of Miami and San Diego, it’s fair to say you won’t be short of opportunities when travelling the US. Each city is ultimately a world of its own, waiting for you to explore!

Top 5 National Parks to visit in America this summer
With 50 states on offer, there is SO much to see and do in the USA that your 30-days of post-camp travel are guaranteed to be jam packed with adventure!