"Do the things that scare you..." by Liverpool Brand Managers
As many of you will now be well underway with your applications and interviews, and with our recruitment fairs coming up in January (Exciting!) I wanted to offer one golden nugget of advice...

Callum - Humans of Camp America
Camp America is without a doubt the best thing I have ever done, and is undoubtedly one of the best things I will ever do in my lifetime!

"My journey to camp" by Arianna Ware
So, after years of waiting to finally apply for the Camp America programme, June 2015 came around quicker than I expected.

Courtney - Humans of Camp America
Starting camp, I wasn't very independent. I was very unsure on life and what to expect as I was very young...

"10 Reasons why you should do Camp America!" by Arianna Ware
Thinking of doing Camp America? Stop thinking, and apply TODAY! Here’s 10 reasons why you should do Camp America.

Pauline & Steve - Humans of Camp America
We have worked for Ebner Camps since 1989, where I first worked as the sailing instructor at Camp Chinqueka and Steve as the Waterskiing counselor at Camp Awosting...

"Camp America recruitment fairs: TOP TIPS!" by Arianna Ware
Have you passed your interview, but still waiting for that all important placement at a camp? Camp America’s recruitment fairs are an opportunity not to be missed!!

"The Camp America interview" by Arianna Ware
Stressing out and worrying because your interview is coming up? Don’t.