Hannah - Humans of Camp America (Interviewer)
For me, one of my favourite memories was the last night at camp where all of the waterfront staff sat on the beach around a campfire under the stars...

Faye - Humans of Camp America
I saw Camp America as an experience that I would be able to learn a lot from, whilst being able to impact the lives of others...

Evie - Humans of Camp America
Camp America has given me personally some of my best friends in this world. It is a great gift to be able to connect with people...

Zac - Humans of Camp America
I was an outdoors counsellor at a rather rustic camp and went on three trips hiking in the mountains and canoeing the Delaware river; no matter where I have to sleep...

"25 things you’d never hear a Camp Counselor say" by Sophie Mullender
Camp Counsellors are a community of crazy, enthusiastic hooligans that spend their summers around a campfire...

"How to have a Honky Tonk time in Nashville" by Sophie Mullender
If you’re ever planning on participating in a road trip across the US (Which, everyone should plan on) please, oh pretty please do not miss out...

"22 signs you’re a Camp Counselor" by Sophie Mullender
Whether it is counting the days until camp, counting the hours until staff retreat, or counting down the children for their 60 second showers.

"Why I can’t stop going to Summer Camp" by Sophie Mullender
For anyone who knows me, they’ll have (unfortunately) listened to me ramble on and on, and on some more about Camp America.