5 Reasons to watch the Super Bowl this year
It's that time of the year again, it is Super Bowl season baby! This time round the San Francisco 49ers face the Kansas City Chiefs, in what promises to be one of the most entertaining Super Bowl’s in years!

#DollyPartonChallenge How Camp America is Perfect for ALL Your Social Media!
With everyone jumping on the Dolly Parton “get you a woman who can do it all” challenge, we thought we would let you know why participating in Camp America, is also good for all these platforms and when we say ALL we mean LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and tinder…

A Camp America Recruitment Fair FAQ!
Here it is.... Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about a Camp America Recruitment Fair!

British Christmas traditions that Americans just wouldn't understand...
Sending 8,000+ young people to live and work at camp each summer proves that America wins on the summer scene...however, it’s fair to say they have some tough competition when it comes to Christmas.

Top 5 'Luxury items' to take to camp!

10 signs you should return to camp
It’s that time of year, guys. You’re struggling to adjust with the real world, you’re still crying yourself to sleep because camp is over and you’ve had your mouse hovering over the ‘apply’ button to submit your returner application for weeks now. We’ve been there – it sucks. So we’ve come to offer our assistance…

5 reasons why you shouldn't worry about results day
Results day is here and we’ve all been there. The anxiety, stress and nerves of opening that envelope is crazy overwhelming as the contents inside determine your fate for the rest of your life. Except it doesn’t. We’re here to tell you that no matter how much you might think otherwise, your results do not define you and there is world of opportunity out there for you to explore regardless!

The start of my Camp America journey
Follow our participant Aaron on his adventure at Camp Turner this summer!