Rhiannon - Humans of Camp America
Rhiannon spent an incredible 4 years at Camp Lee Mar! Here is her story...

Tiana - Humans of Camp America
Tiana spent her summer at a Salvation Army camp in California called Redwood Glen! Here is her camp story...

5 reasons why you should work on a Special Needs camp
Considering a Special Needs camp next summer? You will be after this blog post!

Humans of Camp America - Thanksgiving Special
Every year we ask our alumni what they're most thankful to camp for, and the same thing always comes up - 'The friends I made at camp!' So, we asked them to share their thanks this year...

Josh - Humans of Camp America
Josh has spent the last 5 summers at his home away from home, Camp Schodack. Here is his story...

A call for more BAME applicants
Sasha initially had her hesitations when considering applying to the Camp America programme. Here is her story...

8 reasons why being a Camp Counsellor is the best thing you'll ever do
Check out an awesome blog from one of our participants, Zoe!

10 reasons why nobody wants to go to camp
10 totally understandable reasons as to why nobody wants to go to camp!