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10 signs you're totally fine not returning to camp


I’m Sophie, and if you didn’t already know, I work full time in the CA London office and therefore cannot go back to camp. I repeat, I cannot go back to camp this summer.

But I’m here to tell you all that I’m #totallyfine with not going back to camp. And I’m sure you’re totally fine too – right?

Here’s 10 signs that you and I are totally fine with spending our summer inside. In England. In the humidity.

1. You’re fine being stuck indoors all day

What could you possibly want more? Spending your summer inside is the best way to spend it. You don’t need sunshine. You don’t need to run around and be active all day. Who wants to play Capture the Flag? Colours Wars? Ew. Not me.

2. You’re fine spending a summer in England

Seriously – you’re the luckiest person in the world. Of all places you could be in the summer months, you’ve chosen England. And that’s fine. Because you don’t even miss ice creams bigger than your face, or drive through Starbucks. Cheesecake Factory? What even is that?

3. You’re fine with using digestive biscuits for smores

They taste better – enough said. And can you think of any better way to make a s’more than to pop it in the microwave? Who needs a campfire with your favourite people in the world, singing along to camp songs and feeling the happiest you’ve ever felt? HAHAHAAH. You’re fine. I’m fine. We’re all fine.

4. You’re fine that your campers have new counsellors they love

No really, you’re so happy for them. You spent weeks with those campers, bonding 24/7 and you sobbed when they left and asked if you’d be their counsellor next year. Even more so when they said they’d never have a counsellor better than you. Now you stalk your camps Instagram and see your kids with another counsellor. You zoom in and you realise they are happy. They’re totally fine and loving their new counsellors. And you’re totally fine with that, too. Totally. Fine.

5. You’re fine being so far away from your best friends

Why would anyone want to live close to their best friends in the whole world? #campfriendsarethebestfriends – who even came up with that nonsense hashtag? Why would you want to spend the summer with the people who understand you the most? Hilarious. Even the thought of it makes you laugh. Seriously – you’re so fine with not spending your summer with them. You didn’t want to receive their cute notes anyway.

6. You’re fine with living vicariously through your Timehop

There’s nothing you’d rather do than spend your morning scrolling through your Timehop, reminiscing on what you were doing last summer. Sailing? Zip Line? Boring. This summer you got yourself a 16-25 rail card and that was an amazing day for you. You don’t need constant fun. You’re fine.

7. You’re fine replacing sunsets with commutes

Even better – you can watch your sunset ON your commute. You know that spending a couple hours on the tube will always have more of an impact on your life than spending a couple hours watching the sunset with Wagon Wheel playing in the background. The sunset that happened to be the most beautiful you’d ever seen. Ew. Disgusting.

8. You’re fine in your new fun adult life

Your life is so fun. You love the office job. You love your tesco meal deal. Who would ever want to go travel the USA? Who would ever want to have paint fights for breakfast, race down the slip n slide for lunch and have a colour war for dinner? LOL. Those people are weird. Those people are not you. Stepping outside your comfort zone? Dreadful idea.

9. You’re fine now you’re no longer changing lives

Here’s the best one. You don’t need to make an impact. You don’t need to be a role model. Your co-worker Nancy loves you because you helped her with the printer. She’s helping you be the best version of yourself. Not those hilarious, amazing, energetic kids. Nope, not them.

10. You’re fine that you’re not going back to camp.

Look, we get it. You’re fine. I’m fine. Everyone is fine. In the words of Ross Gellar…

I, personally could not think of anything worse than going back to my home away from home. To make lifelong memories, friendships in the place I love most.

Urgh – I shudder just at the thought of it.

Check out our video and relish in just how #totallyfine we really are... 

Don't forget - if you're not #totallyfine about not going back to camp this summer, you can go back next year! Applications open THIS MONTH!