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5 reasons why you should book the Coastal Kickback Tour


It’s June, our favourite month of the year as it means that all of our participants are either at camp or about to head off! You’re in for the best adventure of your life and we’re so excited for you. And not jealous in the slightest. Nope. Not even a little bit. 

This year we have a new Camp America Trek that, quite frankly, we think you MUST book onto. It’s called the Coastal Kickback Tour!

Here’s 5 reasons why you should do a Coastal Kickback Tour after camp this summer…

1. It’s all hostels and hotels!

Not a fan of camping? No problem. With this trek, you’ll only stay in high rated accommodation that’s perfect for travellers. Remember – this accommodation is all included in the trek price too! #winning.

2. Exclusive Camp America Trek!

This trek is exclusive to Camp America, meaning you’re likely to have a bus filled with people who have just had the most amazing summer at camp like you have! Spend your time not only exploring new places, but also swapping epic camp stories. You'll realise that EVERYONE thinks their camp is the best camp in the world. But it's okay, because you know yours is the best really. 

3. Hassle free travel

A summer at camp can be extremely busy and exhausting, so knowing your travels after camp is all sorted for you will be a huge weight off your shoulders. You can literally sit back, relax and enjoy the journey. The most strenuous part of the trip will be choosing what photos you’re going to put on your Instagram. That 'only posting one a day' rule may have to go amiss this summer. 

4. The route is awesome! 

This is a brand new route that will be going all the way down the East Coast. With epic cities such as New York City, Miami and DC, there is something for everyone! From theme parks to skylines, museums to beaches, you’ll be spoilt for choice on activities.

5. Up to 50 passengers

Did someone say a Camp America party?! Camp friends are for life, and Camp America Trek friends are too! You’ll be going on one incredible trip together and seeing sights people only dream of going to! The company will be just as good as the views, and you'll immediately get home and start swapping your amazing photos. Not to mention planning your next trip... 

If we've persuaded you, click here to check out the trek and book ASAP! Limited spaces available!