Camp America Recruitment Fair, Our Top Tips.

There will be several fairs:
Edinburgh 17th January 2017
Manchester 19th January 2017
London 21st January 2017
Girl Scout Recruitment Fair and Salvation Army Recruitment Fair will also take place at the London recruitment fair in January.
Camp America Recruitment fairs are the perfect opportunity to bag yourself a top placement this summer. As Paddy McGuinness would say ‘The power is in your hands’ and it is time for the candidates to see the camps. Going to a recruitment fair gives you a lot more power in where your placement will be and with what camp. This is also your opportunity to try and get hired with friends, although we would suggest going to different camps!
Basically over 100 camps will turn up at the recruitment fairs and it will be your chance to speak to all the camps you really want to go to and bag that place.
Start your application. If you want to get hired at a fair you need to have started your application and have paid your first payment. We would advise that you have your interview before you go to the fair, as the interviewer will help you with your application and make sure that it showcases your strengths, the best way possible.
Sign up to the event you are going to. You can sign up to the recruitment fair online for the specific event you will be at: London, Manchester or Edinburgh at
Each recruitment fair will have a list of camps. If you scroll down from where you signed up in events, there will be several camps listed that will be attending the respective fair. Research the camps and make a list of the top 5, or even 10 that you want to talk to.

Look at each camp’s website, find something you like about them and how you could fit in well at that camp. Create a dedicated sheet of paper for each one, so you can have a quick look over it before you approach each camp.
Print out your application to take with you and any other certificates or photos that could help you stand out and shine in an interview!
Make sure you plan out your journey to get to the event on time! We have had people getting to the fairs in the early morning, so the earlier you get there the better. We would suggest turning up early to secure your spot in the queue. Make sure you rug up warm as you could be outside for a while, but don’t worry as the Camp America team will be on hand to keep you entertained.
It can be pretty nerve-racking being in a room full of people and trying to get your top place! Don’t worry, the camps are really friendly and just want to get to know you. Relax and keep calm and collected!
You don’t have to dress smart, but try to think about creating a good impression with what you wear! Directors want to know you can rough it for 9 weeks, but also that you can be respectable on parent days. Smart/Casual is always good.
Be enthusiastic and excited when talking about camp. The more it looks like you really want to go, the more likely they’ll send you there! Camp is a fun place, where a counselor’s main role is to get the kid’s excited and entertain them, so they need people with personalities - make sure your animated when talking!
Your first choice of camp might say no. It can be incredibly hard to get rejected and then go straight back out there and try again! If you knocked down a couple of times, pick yourself up and head to the next camp. Everything happens for a reason!
The day is going to go extremely fast and it will probably be a blur of excitement and nervousness. It will be tiring, but so worth it; just think you could be walking out of that building with the placement you really wanted! The Camp America team will be on hand to help you out and keep you entertained – there will also be a GIF machine ready to snap all your happy memories in London ;)
Take on board our top tips and it will be a day you will never forget!
See you there!