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"Camp America recruitment fairs: TOP TIPS!" by Arianna Ware


Have you passed your interview, but still waiting for that all important placement at a camp? Well in the months of January and February, you are given the opportunity to get hired on the spot at one of Camp America’s recruitment fairs; it’s an opportunity not to be missed!!

Camp America recruitment fairs are annual events, that give you the perfect opportunity to get hired on the day by the camp of your dreams! In advance of the events, a list of camps attending is released. With a list of hundreds of camps, you are able to look into, and identify exactly what kind of staff member each camp is looking for, and exactly what type of camp they are; so it really is the perfect chance to get hired at the camp of your choice. The event can be a long day, but here’s a few of my top tips to get the most out of your day:

  • Register yourself for one of the events TODAY!:
  • Do your research! Soon, a list of all the camps attending will be released on the above link, so make sure you spend time looking at the camps, and even venture into looking directly on the camps official websites. Make a list of your top 5 or 10 camps, and know a bit about the camp, and identify why/how you fit what they are looking for!
  • Arrive as early as you can! The fairs are crazily popular so the earlier you can arrive, the less time you will spend in the queues. I’d suggest around 2 hours earlier than the time of event if possible!
  • Bring along your completed application (printed), along with any certificates or medals you have relating to your skills and experiences you put on your application.
  • It’s not a requirement, but camp directors love to see you in action, so bring along photographs of you, or if you have any videos, bring them ready on a phone or tablet!
  • Be prepared! Don’t be disheartened if you don’t get a placement at the first camp you speak to. Spend time looking around the venue at what camps are looking for. There’s hundreds of camps there, it could take you all day to be placed, but it’ll be worth it in the end!!
  • Follow Camp America on Twitter and Snapchat. They will be posting live updates as to what camps at the event are looking for, so you can make some last minute decisions that could ultimately find you that placement.
  • Be yourself
  • Bring a positive attitude, and show your genuine enthusiasm and passion for getting placed!
  • RELAX! It can be nerve-wracking approaching a camp, but camp directors are just as excited as you are; relax, the conversations will come naturally and you’re most likely to be offered a placement when you least expect it

Trust me, the fairs are not to be missed if you are waiting for that placement! I got my placement at the London recruitment fair, and it was such a fun day; Camp America staff will be everywhere to provide the help and entertainment!! Interested? Register yourself onto one of the following fairs on ;

19th January (10:30am) – Edinburgh Recruitment Fair
21st January (12pm) – Manchester Recruitment Fair
23rd January (9:30am – 11:30am) – London Salvation Army Recruitment Fair
23rd January (1pm) – London Recruitment Fair

One recruitment fair really could change your life

Thanks for reading,


Twitter: @ariannawarex