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Human's of Camp America: Lucy Froggatt


Doing Camp America has no doubt been the best decision I've made in my life so far. I think when you apply you expect to have the summer of a lifetime, but you don't realise how rewarding camp is and how it can impact you. My favourite thing is when the kids leave on a Sunday morning and they're sobbing their little hearts out, ugly crying like Kim K, because they've had the best time ever, and that means you've done your job right.
I have had the opportunity to begin as a lifeguard/snorkelling instructor in my first summer, moving up to a unit coordinator my second summer and I'm going back in 2017 as waterfront director. As well as this I'm now working in the London Camp America office. If you would have told me this is what my post-graduation life would have been like I wouldn't believe you, but once you start camp you're hooked.
The people you meet, the experiences you have are all so unique. I speak to my camp friends across the world on a daily basis. The friendships you make are so different to any other, I think this is because camp is such a bubble. You eat sleep and breathe with these people and over the summer will go through every emotion possible with them. There are definitely tough points but I guarantee at some point every day you will laugh until you cry and that's what makes it so special.
If you're thinking about applying for camp just do it, I promise you won’t regret it!
I'm a turtle till the end ������
Peconic Dunes 4-H Camp 2015, 2016, 2017