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Jen - Humans of Camp America


I worked at Happiness Is Camping which offers children with cancer the chance to have a summer filled with fun and laughter. As soon as I drove on to camp for the first time I knew it would be an amazing summer.

Summer camp has made me a better person - I am more independent and confident and always willing to break into a full on dance or sing another round of Little Red Wagon while we wait for the rain to stop. I was able meet some of the strongest and most inspirational children who let nothing get in the way of being themselves. I have made friendships to last a lifetime and have been given unbelievable opportunities.

Camp gave me a place to call home for 3 months of the year. It can be scary to fly across the world not knowing what to expect, but the people you meet along the way make every second worth it and I would do it again and again.

Everyone has their story and Happiness Is Camping will always be a part of mine.

Jen - Happiness is Camping (2015)