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Toni - Humans of Camp America


''I decided to apply for Camp America after having a tough year at home; I needed something to build myself back up, something to look forward to and challenge me, so thought that camp America would be the perfect journey to do so. Even though I didn’t know what to expect I had heard some great things from friends who have done it in previous years. Green Chimneys was a day camp which meant that I only worked 5 days (Mon-Fri) a week and had weekends off.

Camp has made me who I am today. I am more confident in myself and in what I do - I have realised that I am more independent and camp has changed my perspective on many things. If you have ever thought about doing it I would 100% say do it. Camp isn't a holiday; its hard work and one big emotional roller coaster but every minute is worth it. Trying to find the words to explain what camp was like is very difficult so no matter how many people you ask about their summer in America, unless you go out and experience it you will never understand what camp is truly like.

Since being back many people ask me what my favourite memory of camp was and I say the same thing every time. All of it. I experienced so many things while at camp; I went to a baseball game, I conquered my fears, I tried new things, I got messy (pretty much every day) and I got to spend 5 days a week with some amazing kids and watch them grow and find themselves.

Being a specialist at camp meant I got to see all the kids that attended the camp over the 9 weeks. The bonds you make with the kids are unbelievable. I was even lucky enough to be chosen to become a counsellor for a week and through mine time spent with one group of kids I loved every minute of it. Taking part in various activities and getting everybody involved in activities they first didn’t want to do was something quite special. I will never forget my Blazers 1 group.

The friends you make at camp are like no other. They are and always will be your camp family. You spend every day with fellow international staff and being in your camp bubble makes your couple of weeks at camp feel like you have known your camp friends since you were little. Even after camp has finished you can spend time travelling with them or already have plans to meet up when back at home.''