Girl Scout Camps
Camp Lou Henry Hoover

Approximate Start Date
Approximate End Date
Camp Type
Camp Overview
Welcome to Camp Lou Henry Hoover Residential Summer Camp, located in Middleville, NJ! Camp Hoover has been shaping great summer memories for girls in grades 1 to 12 since 1953 through learning, discovering, exploring, challenging opportunities and creating! Each summer Camp Hoover provides a variety of programs and sessions designed to meet the interests of ALL girls.
Camp sessions run from July 7 through August 17. Girls are grouped according to interest, age and ability in order to make their stay more enjoyable. In addition to the program theme they will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of camp activities including crafts, nature, hiking, archery, ropes course, games, cook-outs and waterfront activities including swimming and boating. Girls will develop responsibility through “kapers” (jobs that help keep Hoover in order) and other fun and enriching activities. Camp Hoover is a journey into independence – a place where the girls and their counselors plan weekly adventures together in a relaxed, non-competitive, tech-free environment.
Camp Hoover is a residential Girl Scout Camp owned and operated by the Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey that provides camping experiences for girls between the ages of 6 and 17. We provide specialized programs in gymnastics, sailing, boating, horseback riding, drama, digital film making, arts and crafts, archery, STEM, outdoor skills and trips. Our general programs include hiking, cooking out, swimming, boating, arts and crafts, playing games and taking part in all aspects of camp life. Hoover is located on Swartswood Lake in Middleville, New Jersey. We have beautiful facilities that include: a private beach with swimming and boating, five buildings and five tent units with showers and flush toilets, a multi-purpose building, a modern dining hall, an arts and crafts studio and a primitive camping site.
Working at Camp Hoover gives you the opportunity to meet people who come from a variety of places and backgrounds. All camp staff participate in an intensive week-long training focused on safety, communication, quality programming and team building. Our staff is comprised of experienced college students, teachers, and others who have a special interest in working with young people in the outdoors. Some of our staff are life-long Girl Scouts, but many join Scouting for the first time when they come to work at Hoover. The variety of our programs attracts people with many different skills and interests. Hoover is an equal opportunity employer.
Hoover Staff attend a one-week mandatory pre-camp training session where staff become oriented to Hoover, their job responsibilities, work on camping skills, counseling skills, camp procedures and rules. Pre-camp begins June 30th and runs through July 6th. First Aid and CPR training are also given on June 29th. There are six one-week sessions of regular camp beginning on July 8th and ending on August 18th.
Hoover Staff live on site in staff houses located in the tent units or in the buildings with their campers. Staff live in the units with the campers who are assigned to units based on their age and program choice. Each staff member receives at least two hours off daily, one twelve hour evening off each week and one twenty-four hour evening off Saturday to Sunday. Staff usually spend their breaks relaxing, doing laundry, using the internet, or watching a movie. Trips into town, out to dinner, to the movies or visits into New York help to liven up longer breaks. Working at Camp Hoover is a full time seasonal job that requires a love of the outdoors, an interest in children and the ability to work well with others.
Hoover Staff attend a one-week mandatory pre-camp training session where staff become oriented to Hoover, their job responsibilities, work on camping skills, counseling skills, camp procedures and rules. Pre-camp begins June 30th and runs through July 6th. First Aid and CPR training are also given.

Do you have the skills they're looking for?
We asked the camp what positions they are looking to fill at the recruitment fair. Look out for the big thumbs up!
Are you looking to hire counsellors with Outdoor Adventure & Nature Skills at the fair?
Are you looking to hire counsellors with Sports skills at the fair?
Are you looking to hire Waterfront staff and Lifeguards at the fair?
Are you looking to hire General counsellors at the fair?
Counsellor Roles:
Here's a list of all the positions this camp commonly hires for!
Hmm... What's your role?

Staff Time Off
Staff are given two hours off per day, one night off per week from 6 pm to 9 am and then 24 hours from Saturday to Sunday.
Staff Qualities
Honesty, caring, confident, go-getter, innovator, risk taker and a leader.