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Applications for Summer 2025 are open now. Don’t miss out on an unforgettable summer.
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Get hired on the spot!

Job Fairs

Fast track your application at a Camp America Job Fair! Join us for the opportunity to meet camps across the USA and get hired on the spot.

London 800 x 600
Saturday 25th January

London Camp Job Fair

Join us in London on Saturday 25th January for the opportunity to get hired on the spot and secure your place at camp for an unforgettable summer.

Glasgow 800 x 600
Sunday 26th January

Glasgow Camp Job Fair

Join us in Glasgow on Sunday 26th January for the opportunity to get hired on the spot and secure your place at camp for an unforgettable summer.

Manchester 800 x 600
Sunday 26th January

Manchester Camp Job Fair

Join us in Manchester on Sunday 26th January for the opportunity to get hired on the spot and secure your place at camp for an unforgettable summer.

Ready for the experience?

Don’t miss out on your 2025 American summer camp adventure! Start your application today and prepare for a summer working abroad, travelling the USA, and becoming a positive role model in whichever camp you call home.