You will need to apply for an extended police check (“Strafregisterbescheinigung Kinder- und Jugendfuersorge”). You can apply online or at the police department depending on your hometown. You will need an ID or passport for identification and a confirmation, which our AIFS Bonn office will send to you after your registration. It costs approximately € 30, payable in cash or with credit card. Some applicants have paid more or less, depending on the town. Some towns are allowed to charge an extra fee for their town. If you apply for the police check at the same time as for an ID, it's only approximately € 15 for the police check. You have to appear in person at least once (for identification), either when applying for the police check or when picking it up. In Vienna the police check will be issued on the spot. For more information please read:
Applicants must phone their local police station to make an appointment and will be told at this point what identification they must bring. The charge ranges from $CAN25-$90 and the police check is normally issued within 6-8 weeks.
To obtain your police check applicants can apply online, or go to their local authority (okresni statni zastupitelstvi, mestsky urad, obeceny urad, obvodni urad' etc.). The police check costs CZK 50. For more information please read:
Applicants should contact their nearest police station and ask for a copy of their criminal records (kopi af straffeattest). Ensure applicants ask for the English version. The document is free and issued instantly.
Apply for the criminal record check via e-government site It is FREE to do this and the certificate will be sent to the applicant in an email. There may be costs of up to EEK 50.
Applicants need to contact the Finnish Legal Register Center (oikeusrekisterikeskus) and order a copy print of their criminal record. It will cost them about 10 euros to have it done.
To obtain a Police check in France use the following link The Police Check is usually free.
In Germany, the extended police check costs approximately € 13 and must be applied for in person at the registration office. In exceptional cases, you can apply for your extended police check by letter or online, but you’ll need a special card reader device or app on your smartphone for the online application. In all cases, you will need a letter from Camp America (this will be provided by our AIFS Bonn office after your registration for Camp America) and an ID or passport for identification. It takes 1-2 weeks to receive the police check. For more information please read:
Erkolcsi Bizonyitvany certificates to be submitted to the Budapest office directly – it will be explained to you during the Camp America interview. If please contact the office in Budapest for assistance: [email protected]. You may apply for it at the post office, online or at “okmanyiroda” office. (Getting this certificate is free of charge in Hungary. )
Applicants should apply in person to the District Commissioner. The cost of the Police Check is ISK 1,350. For more information please read: <a href="
Police Certificate of Character - In order to apply for a Police Check of Character, please email the following data to: [email protected]
- Full Name (please include maiden name or other name is appropriate)
- Date of birth
- Current address
- ALL addresses you have lived at in Ireland - ordered by most recent first
- Consular authority requiring Police Certificate
- Reason for issue of Police Certificate
- Personal email address
- Personal phone number
- Details of convictions if relevant
Applicants must also attach a copy of their passport/driving licence & birth certificate. Click here for the letter from CA to use to obtain your police check.
All applications will be dealt with on a timely basis but applicants should note there will be a two week turnaround during peak seasons.
To apply for your police check, first step is to go to Ministry of Foreign Affairs website, complete the payment for the police check. After payment, head to the website and fill out an application form there. Please email through your confirmation of application page to [email protected] when you receive this via email. Your police check will then arrive directly to our Camp America office.
To apply for your police check, you need to go to the court in your city and ask for a ‘Caesellario Giudiziale Generale’. Cost is €20. Processing can take up to 3 weeks (depending on the region).
Applicants will have to go to the Ministry of Justice in order to obtain a Police Check. They will be required to fill out a form called Adam Mahkomieh. The information will be filled from the personal ID card and a fee of 6 JD will be charged. Fingerprints are taken. The police check can be obtained on the same day that it is applied for. Police checks are only issued in Arabic, therefore the applicant has to translate it into English by going to a certified lawyer.
Applicant orders police check through: It takes around a week approximately to be sent to their mailing address. The certificate is in English and it costs 14EUR.
La constancia de no antecedentes penales es un documento oficial en el que se hace constar la existencia o no de antecedentes penales de una persona. Este documento es emitido por el Órgano Administrativo Desconcentrado de Prevención y Readaptación Social (OADPRS) de la Secretaría de Seguridad y Protección Ciudadana.
Para tramitar la Constancia de no antecedentes no penales, se requiere:
• Ser mayor de 18 años
• Tener la Clave Única de Registro de Población (CURP)
• Presentar los siguientes documentos en formato PDF:
• Acta de nacimiento
• Identificación oficial vigente con fotografía (Credencial expedida por el INE, Pasaporte, tarjeta de Cédula Profesional, Cartilla Militar actualizada y Licencia de Conducir).
• Comprobante de domicilio (depende del estado)
Para las personas interesadas con residencia en cualquier estado de la República Mexicana, deberán acudir a la delegación estatal de la Fiscalía General de la República más cercana a su domicilio: Aguascalientes, Baja California, Baja California Sur, Campeche, Ciudad de México, Chiapas, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Colima, Durango, Estado de México, Guanajuato, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Michoacán, Morelos, Nayarit, Nuevo León, Oaxaca, Puebla, Querétaro, Quintana Roo, San Luís Potosí, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tabasco, Tamaulipas, Tlaxcala, Veracruz, Yucatán, Zacatecas.
Fill in application form (which can be obtained on-line or from your local government office). Take the form along to your camp America interview to receive help in filling it out from your interviewer. Take the form to the local government office for checking. Once checked, the form is then sent to department of justice. The police check will be sent by post direct to applicant and will cost €40. The process will take 4 to 5 weeks.
Applicants are required to complete the police check application form (available on the NZ website and send it in to the New Zealand CA office or take the completed form with them to the interview so a police check can be obtained on their behalf. This takes four to eight weeks.
To obtain a police check in Slovakia, please follow the procedure below:
1) Go to the District Court (Okresny sud) and find the department for criminal record checks or go to the local police station and ask for this department.
2) Fill in the application form and buy the stamp for 100.00 Sk (about USD $2.00). The stamp must be glued on the application.
3) The criminal record check will be sent to your home address within two weeks.
At your Camp America interview you will be required to submit an application for a Criminal Record Check (CRC). To apply for this, collect the application form and payment instructions from your interviewer. You will need to submit a copy of your South African ID document, R150 and application form to Veri-Source consulting. Once checked a clearance certificate will be emailed to you.
To obtain a Police check in Spain please follow the steps below:
- Buy an application form at a Post Office or Tobacco shop (cost approx € 3.50)
- Take it to: A) In Madrid: Headquarters of citizens service (Oficina Central de Atención al Ciudadano) B) Outside Madrid: regional offices of the Ministry of Justice
- The applicants' criminal record will be checked and a criminal/security check form issued.
You can apply for a police check through two other ways:
- Regular mail: follow link
-The internet: with the electronic ID (DNI) follow link
To apply for your police check, click the following link and follow the instructions: Extract for use abroad | The Swedish Police Authority ( Cost is 225 SEK (Postage costs may also apply Processing time can take up to 2 weeks. Source: Criminal record extracts | The Swedish Police Authority (
SWITZERLAND -You will need to apply for an extended police check (“Sonderprivatauszug”). You can apply for a police check at the postal office of your town or online. You will need an ID or passport for identification and a confirmation, which our AIFS Bonn office will send to you after your registration. It costs approximately 20 CHF, payable either with credit card (VISA or Mastercard or Postcard) or in cash. It takes a couple of days to receive the police check. For more information please read:
Cost: 100 NTD (New Taiwan Dollars) for 1 copy, or 120 NTD for 2 copies. Applicants can apply online or through the Government app. Processing time is 3-5 days later they can collect it at the local police station.
Please follow these instructions: Thai Police Clearance Instructions or you can apply for your clearance by following this website: Police Clearance Service Center ( Cost is 100 Baht. Processing can take up to 2 weeks.
Applicants are required to obtain a police check form their police station or online at For more information please contact your local representative.