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Jobs at Camp

Want to be a Christian Camp Counselor?

If you’re a practicing Christian or have an open mind and you’re looking for a summer camp job, we might have the perfect job for you.

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This could be you!

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What Does a Christian Camp Counselor Do?

Christian Camp Counselors will be based at a Christian summer camp. Some camps keep their faith limited to grace at mealtimes and Christian songs, others will have dedicated devotionals and bible study. Otherwise your day-to-day routine will be very similar to a counsellor at a traditional summer camp, engaging in sports, arts, and plenty of other activities. If you are open to a Christian camp, we’ll ask you questions on your application to make sure any camp is a good fit for your beliefs.

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This could be you!

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Skills & Experience

  • Christianity

    Being a practicing Christian is not essential to work at all Christian Camps, although some will prefer to place those with a stronger devotion to their faith. Even more important is that you live by and encourage Christian values, such as compassion, respect, honesty, forgiveness and acceptance.

    If you opt-in to Christian camps on your application, we’ll ask you questions around your faith and your openness to Christianity to make sure we find a Christian camp that aligns with your beliefs and that you are comfortable with.

  • Childcare

    If you’ve already got childcare experience, you’re ideal to take on the role of a Camp Counselor. You’ll be taking constant care of the kids throughout the summer. This includes waking them up in the mornings, joining in with their full day of activities and then making sure they go to bed at night. You’ll be keeping them organised and safe, making sure they listen to instructions (and follow them…) and also serving as a key source of fun and entertainment throughout the day!

  • Enthusiasm & a Fun-Loving Attitude

    Outside of faith-based activities, most Christian Camps are not dissimilar to traditional summer camps. This means they will be looking for counselors who can make sure their campers enjoy the best summer ever.

    By approaching every day and every activity with enthusiasm and fun, you’ll make sure your campers feel the same way too. They’ll be much more willing to step out of their own comfort zones and embrace new experiences, especially if they’re first-time campers who might already be feeling a bit unsure or nervous.

  • Communication

    From sunrise to lights out, you’re likely talking to someone, somewhere. From your campers themselves, to other counselors and staff members, you’re going to need your communication skills to be in tip-top shape.

    With the campers, you need to be able to strike the balance between understanding and following rules and expectations, and creating incredible memories of one of the best summers they’ll ever have. Although, remember communication isn’t just about talking - you’ll need to actively listen to any problems or concerns, and make sure campers feel valued and heard.

    With other counselors and staff members, you’ll also be building a network of hugely supportive relationships at camp, and likely developing new friendships you’ll have for years and years to come. Communication becomes one of the most important aspects of the teamwork you’ll need to make sure each day runs smoothly.

  • Patience

    You’re going to spend a minimum of 9 weeks working with kids of varying ages at camp. They’re going to be excited and energetic, and you just wait until the sugar in those s’mores hits their system!

    Patience is a hugely valuable skill to have in your remit. By being patient you’ll be able to let the campers express themselves to their fullest, all the while retaining control, maintaining the fun and being as supportive as you possibly can. When a challenge arises, patience can help you navigate it with ease.

  • Flexibility

    Camp life and kids are unpredictable, so having some flexibility is going to help you out a lot in daily camp life. Joining this together with some problem-solving skills, you’ll be able to navigate plenty of tricky situations.

    From changes to the schedule, handling bad weather or dealing with unexpected events, being flexible will help you handle a changing camp environment in a way that means your campers likely remain oblivious to the fact that this wasn’t the plan all along. The more enthusiastic you are about new plans, the more on board your campers will be too!

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Real Experiences

Don't just take our word for it - this is just a snapshot of the amazing summers our participants have had at camp.

Spending four summers working at an under-served summer camp has made me grateful in many ways and taught me the importance of creating opportunities for all children.

Hollie, YMCA Camp Copneconic MI

Hollie, YMCA Camp Copneconic MI

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Camp is my happy place. I can’t wait to see my campers again! I’m ready to be back for another year of making more memories, friends and having fun!

Molly, YMCA Camp Kon O Kwee Spencer PA

Molly, YMCA Camp Kon O Kwee Spencer PA

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To anyone considering Camp America, go into it with an open mind and take the opportunity with both hands. It’s an unforgettable experience.

Ryan, YMCA Camp Widjiwagan TN

Ryan, YMCA Camp Widjiwagan TN

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Camp America has given me countless opportunities that otherwise would've never been imaginable. The lessons I've learnt, the skills I've acquired and the memories I've made will last a lifetime.

Jotty, Golden Slipper Camp PA

Jotty, Golden Slipper Camp PA

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I want to go back so I can make more amazing memories, see my friends from camp, see the campers that I had last year and to try out more of the activities at camp.

Beth, Pine Forest Camp PA

Beth, Pine Forest Camp PA

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You join this bubble of people who are extremely caring and supportive, they help you grow as a person and unlock new confidence. I would recommend Camp America to anyone!

Alex, YMCA Camp Copneconic MI

Alex, YMCA Camp Copneconic MI

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Reach new heights!

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Why Should I Be a Christian Camp Counselor?

If you’re Christian or have a Christian background and are looking to work at a Christian Camp, then this could be a great match for you. The demand for Christian international staff is very high, although most Christian camps welcome staff from all walks of life. Most of the Christian Camps we work with are liberal and see Christianity from a modern view, so it’s well worth opening your application up to these camps.

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Reach new heights!

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Ready for the experience?

Don’t miss out on your American summer camp adventure. Start your application today and prepare for a summer working abroad, travelling the USA, and becoming a positive role model for children and young adults in whichever camp you call home.