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Jobs at Camp

Kitchen & Dining Hall Staff

You know an army runs on its stomach, well so does a summer camp! If you have experience in food and dining, this could be the perfect job for you.

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This could be you!

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What’s it Like in a Summer Camp Kitchen?

Life in the kitchen and dining hall at a summer camp is certainly never dull. Mealtimes are always eventful – expect songs, chants and games at any time! From preparing food and cooking meals to table setting and washing up, it’ll be your job to help keep the dining hall running smoothly. As the keeper of the chocolate brownies, you know everyone is going to want to be your friend (staff and campers alike).

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This could be you!

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Skills & Experience

  • Cooking

    You don’t need any prior experience or qualifications in cookery in order to work in a camp kitchen & dining hall. Most Camp Directors are just looking for someone with the right personality to fit in with their camp and keep their campers fed and happy.

    However, if you do have any experience working in a kitchen or any qualifications in cookery and food tech then this will be great on your Campower application.

  • Food Service

    Just like with cookery, you don’t actually need any specific food service experience to work in a kitchen or dining hall at a summer camp. Most Camp Directors are looking for the right personality to fit in with their camp and keep their campers fed and happy.

    However, if you do have any experience working in food service of any type, this will look great on your Campower application.

  • Teamwork

    Summer camp kitchens are a well-oiled machine. You’re part of making sure that campers get fed right on time, not only important for keeping them healthy and happy throughout the day but also for sticking to the very regimented camp schedule! You don’t want them to be missing out on activities because the kitchen is running late.

    Being able to work well as part of a team is a key part of working in the kitchen and dining hall. It might descend into chaos when the campers take their seats, but you can guarantee you’ll have great fun in the process.

  • Fun & Friendly Attitude

    You might be working in the kitchen & dining hall, but you’re still an integral part of the summer camp experience as a whole. This means Camp Directors will expect you to help make sure their campers enjoy the best summer ever.

    By approaching every day and every activity with enthusiasm and fun, you’ll make sure your campers feel the same way too. Face challenges with a smile and the campers will also be much more willing to step out of their own comfort zones and embrace new experiences, especially if they’re first-time campers who might already be feeling a bit unsure or nervous.

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Real Experiences

Don't just take our word for it - this is just a snapshot of the amazing summers our participants have had at summer camp and why they keep coming back for more.

To anyone considering Camp America, go into it with an open mind and take the opportunity with both hands. It’s an unforgettable experience.

Ryan, YMCA Camp Widjiwagan TN

Ryan, YMCA Camp Widjiwagan TN

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Camp is a magical place where you can truly be yourself and escape reality. I love making my campers’ summers amazing and I’ve made friends for life. It really is a life changing experience.

Jessica, Lake Stockwell Day Camp NJ

Jessica, Lake Stockwell Day Camp NJ

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Not only do I love everyday camp life and ensuring the campers have the best time possible but I also love connecting with different cultures! Camp is one of the best experiences you can have.

Anya, Camp Runels NH

Anya, Camp Runels NH

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The friendships you gain and the memories you make are like nothing you will have experienced before. Camp America turned me from a boy to a man and I am so grateful for what they have done for me.

Jack, Camp Champions TX

Jack, Camp Champions TX

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The best thing about working at a summer camp is getting to literally be a kid again - we did so many activities at camp from paddle boarding and low ropes to performing arts!

Emily, Jamestown 4-H Educational Center VA

Emily, Jamestown 4-H Educational Center VA

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You join this bubble of people who are extremely caring and supportive, they help you grow as a person and unlock new confidence. I would recommend Camp America to anyone!

Alex, YMCA Camp Copneconic MI

Alex, YMCA Camp Copneconic MI

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The dream team!

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Can I Get Involved with the Rest of Camp?

Absolutely! Your role in the kitchen & dining hall will be more like shift work. Unlike counselors, who will be working around the clock, you’ll get more standardised time off. During that time off, you’ll always be encouraged to involved with the amazing camp activities on offer at different times of the day. Your accommodation will probably be separate to the campers, but you’ll still be close by, so be sure to join in cabin games and activities too.

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The dream team!

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Do something different this summer.

Experience an authentic summer camp by working and travelling the USA with Camp America this season. Get back to nature, discover new skills, and build your confidence in whichever camp you call home.